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Celebrate Regional Wine Week – Autumn Wine Festival

An easy and fun way to celebrate Regional Wine Week and discover Maryland wines is at the Autumn Wine Festival next weekend in Salisbury, Maryland. Now with more wineries established in Maryland, it’s important that residents and travelers recognize the contribution that Maryland wineries make to agriculture and the economy (restaurants, lodging) as well as providing good wines from grapes growing in Maryland’s terroir.

On October 17 and 18, the Autumn Wine Festival will be at Pemberton Historical Park. This is an opportunity to taste local wines and local cuisines. Twenty-one Maryland wineries will be participating. Some of these wineries have been producing wines for years and others are new on the scene. Whether you enjoy dry, sweet, red, white or fruit wines you will most likely discover wines you enjoy.  Check the wineries out at the festival, you’ll be glad you did. Live music and local craft vendors will also be available to enjoy. To learn more, visit the Autumn Wine Festival website.

(For more information about Regional Wine Week, visit the DrinkLocalWine website.)

Cheers, Kathy

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