
Char Grilled Squid


8 oz whole cleaned squid with tentacles
3 T sherry vinegar
2 fresh red chillies, finely chopped
4 oz extra virgin olive oil
4 T dry white wine
Salt and pepper to taste
2 T flat leaf parsley, coarsely chopped
Hot cooked rice


1. Make a cut down the side of the body of each squid, then open it out flat. Score the flesh on both sides of the body in a criss-cross pattern. Chop the tentacles in ½ lengthwise.

2. Whisk together the oil, vinegars, salt, pepper, and parsley. Pour mixture over squid in non metallic container and marinate for 1 hour.

3. Heat a griddle to high heat, add the squid and cook for 2-3 minutes while keeping pressure on the bodies to ensure they stay flat and do not curl. Remove squid from pan, cut into diagonal strips and reserve.
4. Add the chillies to the pan and cook for 2 minutes, add the marinade and bring to a boil.

5. Place the squid on top of the rice and pour the marinade over the top.