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Category: Entrée

Title: Stir-fry Pigeon, Wild Boar or Venison


wild pigeon, or wild boar or venison
olive oil
tomato sauce
salt and pepper
Castello di Bossi Corbaia

Note: The Castello di Bossi Corbaia is a Saniovese/Cabernet Sauvignon blend


1. Put olive oil, garlic, onion and rosemary in a pan and stir-fry until lightly brown.
2. Add wild pigeons (or wild boar or venison) divided in four parts and stir-fry all together to get a nice color.
3. Add most of the Corbaia wine, and cook for about two and a  half hours.
4. When the wine has evaporated, add some tomato sauce, not too much and continue to cook until tender.

Provided by Castello di Bossi, Castelnuovo Berardenga, (SI) Italy.

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