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Georgian Food
Mother's Bread

Terry Sullivan

Mother's Bread In Georgia it is customary to have bread with every meal. During our September 2013 visit, we had Mother's Bread for almost every meal.
Mother's Bread
Terry is rolling out and shaping the dough. The dough had already been prepared in the Chateau Mere kitchen.
Mother's Bread
Tamta also rolled out the dough and carefully is placing it into the tone. The sides of the tone was heated with a small fire inside.
Mother's Bread Kathy also rolled out dough, several of them, coated them with water and patted them on the side of a tone. The oven was very hot so the dough had to be placed quickly.
Mother's Bread
Bread baking on the side of a tone - an oven.
Mother's Bread
While at Twins Wine Cellar we observed the bread being removed from a tone with long-handled iron tools.
Mother's Bread A basket of mother's bread for every meal is something to look forward to when visiting Georgia.










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