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Glass or Plastic Wine Bottles

Spanish GalleonA casual remark made at a winery the other day, made me rethink the concepts of wine in plastic bottles. While most wineries continue to sell wine in glass bottles, many are beginning to look at plastic wine bottles or bags inside cardboard boxes or yes event plastic bags inside a plastic paint bucket as a viable solution. Granted glass is far heavier than plastic so shipping expensive are higher with glass bottles.

Who would have thought 50 years ago that milk would be sold in plastic or cardboard boxes? Today it is unusual to see milk sold in glass although a quick Internet search will come up with a list of farms selling milk in glass bottles scattered throughout the United States. Somehow, milk in a glass bottle looks more appetizing.

Does this same concept hold true with wine? Does wine look better and more enticing in a glass bottle? For me, wine is not only about taste but just as important is the experience. Wine adds a mystique of its own. Recently we were at a couple of wineries in Virginia that have unique glass bottle shapes. One is in a lighthouse shape and another is in a Spanish Galleon shape. Both are lovely and one would be inspired to keep the bottles as conversations pieces, perhaps even inserting small lights.

Wine in plastic does occasionally have its time and place. Perhaps plastic is good for picnics or hiking but at home or special occasions I prefer a glass bottle.

Eventually though will glass wine bottles go the way of glass milk bottles and become collector items or will consumers insist that glass wine bottles are their preference? 

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