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Tasting Room Experiences

As we travel from tasting room to tasting room, we discover many differences between each one. Upon leaving we ask ourselves several questions. Why were we allowed to pour our own tasting (this has only occurred at two wineries and under watchful eyes)? Why didn’t they have crackers at the tasting counter? Wasn’t it wonderful that they offered a cheese and cracker tray? Why don’t more wineries have restaurants? Why did they use an ISO wineglass, plastic cups, hand painted (only at one winery) or Riedel glassware for the tasting?

 As we discuss the whys and what if questions, only occasionally do we reflect on whether some obscure law is in effect. In Maryland, counties have different laws regarding wineries and tasting rooms. Richard Seibert from Knob Hall Winery (opening soon) in Maryland would like to see Maryland consider a Class W license. According to Erin Cunningham in The Herald-Mail, “The Class W license would allow the sampling and selling of winery wines at the winery for on- or off-premise consumption, allow the business to hold events and allow the winery to operate seven days a week, among other things.” Each jurisdiction has its own laws. We visited a winery/vineyard in the United Kingdom that if the winery is closed, consumers can pick up their wine in a local post office. I don’t know of any wineries in the United States that can do that.

Cheers, Kathy


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