On Saturday, I took my usual jaunt to the public library, from which I had borrowed Extra Virginity: The Sublime and Scandalous World of Olive Oil which details the misconception about extra virgin olive oil (EVOO). Even though I had already read it and written a review of it, I would have liked to have written down a few of the reference websites mentioned. However, seven library patrons have requested the book, obviously people are interested in olive oil. Add scandal and its almost a thriller.
The good news is that the author, Tom Mueller, has started a website where you can find the article he wrote in 2007 as well as links to olive sites etc.
Only released in early December, Extra Virginity, seems to have hit a sore spot for the manufacturers and distributors of olive oil that is labeled as extra virgin olive oil but in reality is not according to the definition.
In California at UC Davis, a reputable university, a test was done to check the quality of extra virgin olive oils that were purchased at a variety of stores. The results were dismal showing that a large majority of extra virgin olive oils were not “extra virgin.” One critic of the study indicated the testing methods were not accurate. Who should one believe: someone related to the olive oil industry or or university research?
Pure and simple selling any item the information on the label needs to be accurate. Shouldn’t there be truth in labeling for olive oil and all products?
For more information about Extra Virginity, see my review.
Cheers! Kathy