Halloween is for adults, too!
Halloween isn’t just for children! If you don’t expect a lot of child-aged trick and treaters for Halloween, why not plan a simple Halloween get-together with your friends and family?
Decorate with orange and black crepe paper and wine glasses filled with Halloween candy. Hobby Lobby, Michaels, and Jo-Ann’s are wonderful stores where you can buy additional Halloween and autumn items to include in your décor.
Add a Candy and Wine Pairing Tasting
A chart for candy and wine tasting chart is available online. It may be just what you need to help plan this unique pairing. When planning a candy and wine tasting for Halloween focus on a few of the many popular Halloween candies.
Before the candy and wine tasting, prepare some other types of food perhaps tapas, pizza, pretzels and chips. Have additional beverages available including: coffee, tea, and water.
Write a Haiku about the Wines and Candy
Challenge each of your guests to write a haiku for each of the tastings. A typical haiku has three lines with 5 syllables on the first line, 7 syllables on the second line and 5 syllables on the third line.
Create Art
If you collect wine bottle corks, share some of your excess corks with others at your party. Using a little ingenuity corks can be used to make some creative Christmas ornaments. Perhaps you can turn some of the corks into gift tags.
Just as some wineries offer paint and wine classes, you may want to create a space and materials for wannabe painters to try their hand at painting wine glasses or wine bottles.
It’s your party in your home, so be sure to have fun while providing fun for others.
Adults Can Also Have Fun with Halloween!
Halloween is for adults, too!
Halloween isn’t just for children! If you don’t expect a lot of child-aged trick and treaters for Halloween, why not plan a simple Halloween get-together with your friends and family?
Decorate with orange and black crepe paper and wine glasses filled with Halloween candy. Hobby Lobby, Michaels, and Jo-Ann’s are wonderful stores where you can buy additional Halloween and autumn items to include in your décor.
Add a Candy and Wine Pairing Tasting
A chart for candy and wine tasting chart is available online. It may be just what you need to help plan this unique pairing. When planning a candy and wine tasting for Halloween focus on a few of the many popular Halloween candies.
Before the candy and wine tasting, prepare some other types of food perhaps tapas, pizza, pretzels and chips. Have additional beverages available including: coffee, tea, and water.
Write a Haiku about the Wines and Candy
Challenge each of your guests to write a haiku for each of the tastings. A typical haiku has three lines with 5 syllables on the first line, 7 syllables on the second line and 5 syllables on the third line.
Create Art
If you collect wine bottle corks, share some of your excess corks with others at your party. Using a little ingenuity corks can be used to make some creative Christmas ornaments. Perhaps you can turn some of the corks into gift tags.
Just as some wineries offer paint and wine classes, you may want to create a space and materials for wannabe painters to try their hand at painting wine glasses or wine bottles.
It’s your party in your home, so be sure to have fun while providing fun for others.