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Plastic Vs Glass Wine Bottles

Why use glass wine bottles when plastic bottles are available? Proponents of plastic bottles point to the fact that they are less expensive. The use of plastic will allow wine to be less expensive. Considering the expense that goes into producing a bottle of wine, consumers already have access to some very good wines that are relatively inexpensive. Another pro that proponents talk about is that since plastic is lighter, it costs less to ship the wine. This reduces the carbon footprint for wine.

As Jerry Hirsch mentions in his Los Angeles Times article, Plastic bottles aim to remold wine industry, “The ubiquitous 750-milliliter glass wine bottle is starting to get competition from a plastic upstart, both on retail shelves and at a few restaurants.” But concerns and questions abound. Although plastic may be a great choice for wines intended to be drunk immediately, what about wines that are aged? To some consumers wine and romance are not separable. Many will believe that wine in a plastic bottle doesn’t have the charm as wine in glass. For wine collectors, many will prefer to continue using glass that is better protection for long time storage of wine.

Would you buy wine in a plastic bottle?

Cheers, Kathy

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