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AstraPouch-Another Type of Wine Packaging

New and unique wine packaging has been introduced into the United States. Will it take a while to catch on? Already the AstraPouch is being used in the UK, South Africa and Australia. The AstraPouch was developed by AstraPouch North America and is being used by Glenora Wine Cellars to package their Trestle Creek Riesling. Glenora is using the 1.5L pouch.

AstraPouch packaging offers a number of advantages for wineries and for consumers. These pouches are very light. If you have ever moved a case of empty glass wine bottles you’ll notice how heavy glass can be. This all adds up to an increased carbon footprint. By using AstraPouch packaging the carbon footprint should dramatically decrease.

The lighter weight of carrying wine is also great for the consumer who wants to carry the wine while camping or hiking.

The nozzle on the pouch allows wine to pour out but keeps oxygen from entering into the pouch and oxidizing the wine. According to the AstraPouch North America website, after opening the pouch, the wine will stay fresh for up to one month.

Kudos to Glenora Wine Cellars for beginning the use of a new environmentally friendly option to glass bottles.

Note: A review of Glenora Wine Cellars is available on the Wine Trail Traveler website at

Cheers! Kathy

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