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Do Consumers Choose Wine by Brand or Other Factors?

Wilson Drinks Report has released a press release about the habits of UK adults who purchase wine. The PR was entitled “Scared shoppers choose wine by colour before special offers or price But only 3% choose the brand first, and grape variety is more important than country of origin.” The research study was based on 1,395 British adults. The study found that 47 percent of British adults buy wine first by color. On the other end of the chart are the 3 percent who purchase wine by the brand. In between fall the other ways consumers choose wine including special offers, retail selling price, grape variety and country of origin.

One might ask themselves if brand is so unimportant to the consumer then perhaps wineries should place their advertising funds elsewhere than on branding. According to Wilson Drinks Report research has shown that 71 percent of the population purchases wine at a supermarket or off license.

This may partially account for the low 3 percent that brands accounts for. How many high end wines will be carried in a supermarket establishment?

The results of this research are important for supermarkets and wine shops. If they want to increase sales perhaps they should arrange their stock by color first followed by special offers, retail price, country of origin and finally brand. For those marketing wines, this is also valuable information.

For more information about Wilson Drinks Report visit the company’s website.

Cheers! Kathy

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