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The Musée du Vin’s Champagne Scene

Many delegates to the 7th International Wine Tourism Conference will arrive in France by flying into one of its airports. While in Paris, many are drawn to the Eiffel Tower. Just across the river from the Eiffel Tower and a short walk to 5, square Charles Dickens street, wine enthusiasts can visit the Musée du Vin. The museum is laid out in the underground caves that were quarries for chalk. At one time these caves were cellars holding wine. Now they hold artifacts and dioramas of the French wine industry from the past to the modern.


The dioramas are life-like scenes that depict French and wine history. In the scenes, visitors will observe many artifacts used in the vineyards and wine production. There are also display cases of vineyard and winery tools used in different wine regions throughout France. Visitors should allow a couple hours to amble through the displays.


One diorama depicts the Champagne wine region and the production of champagne. Three workers in underground caves at Champagne Henri Abelé in Reims are involved in winery tasks. One of the workers is seen riddling bottles at a riddling rack. Another worker is seen disgorging a bottle. He aims the bottle into an old wine barrel through a cut out in the side of the barrel. Another worker is cleaning a bottle after the label was affixed.


The museum has many other scenes from wine regions. After strolling through the museum, enjoy a wine tasting and visit the onsite restaurant.


Musée du Vin Paris
5, square Charles Dickens
75016 Paris, France


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