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Tag Archives: vineyards

East Coast Vineyards Brace for Tropical Storms and Hurricanes

East Coast Vineyards Brace for Tropical Storms and Hurricanes Every year the East Coast of the United States has to deal with tropical storms and hurricanes. Too much rain shortly before harvest particularly affects the quality of the grapes. This in turn affects the quality of the wine. In response to the tropical storm Hanna, […]

Vernaccia di San Gimignano

Friday night we enjoyed dinner at the Tomato Palace in Columbia, Maryland. We decided to order a bottle of wine. While browsing the wine list, we noticed it was definitely weighted toward Italian wines. This shouldn’t be surprising as the restaurant is an Italian restaurant. Still, I was disappointed that the restaurant did not have […]

A Good Year by Peter Mayle

Mayle’s novel A Good Year is delightful. When Max leaves his life in London to visit his inherited French property and vineyards, he encounters a completely different lifestyle.  As a young boy, he spent many summers in France with his uncle. His adventures begin when he arrives in Provence and meets the locals. Travel with […]

The Western Colorado Ag Experiment Station at Orchard Mesa

The Experiment Station is conducting research that ultimately can help improve the quality of grapes and winemaking in Colorado. The Colorado grape industry has grown since 1985 when there were between 15 and 20 acres of grapes in the state. Now there are over 800 acres of vineyards producing grapes and hundreds more planted that […]

Oakencroft Vineyard and Winery

I am sorry to hear that Oakencroft Vineyard and Winery is closing its doors. I believe it is a loss to the Virginia wine industry both physically and sentimentally. On a rainy day in April 2007, we had visited the winery and tasting room. Despite the rain, the area was beautiful with lovely landscaping, a […]

Coping with Climate Change

Unlike most agricultural products once established, vineyards can produce quality fruit for 80 to 100 years. Not surprisingly, the first few years are the most difficult for vineyards just starting out. Financial investment is considerable before the benefits begin to pay off. What happens when the climate begins to change after 15, 20 or 30 […]

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