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Tag Archives: Champagne

Planning for New Year’s Eve

Amid the many Christmas holiday duties including decorating your home, shopping for gifts and baking cookies, it is easy to forget that the start of the  2011 New Year is nearly here. While shopping at your favorite winery for holiday gifts for wine enthusiasts, purchase a bottle of wine for New Year’s Eve. New Year’s […]

Discover a Thanksgiving Wine at a Wine Festival

Visiting a wine festival or event may be the perfect time to pick up a special bottle of wine for Thanksgiving Dinner. Below are a few events you can travel to and discover fun and a special wine. Nov 20-21 In Missouri, six wineries will feature seasonal foods paired with wine on the Holiday Fare […]

Champagne for the Bride and Groom

This post comes under the “Chicken Soup for the Wine Lover’s Soul” category. We have visited family in Michigan the last couple of weeks. My brother likes to eat out and order or take wine. Dinners are great with wine, food and family. Last night we were eating at Mr. Paul’s Chophouse in Roseville, Michigan. […]

Try a Sparkling Wine or Champagne Anytime!

This weekend Terry decided to open a bottle of sparkling wine. I was excited, as I am decidedly a sparkling wine or Champagne lover and asked him “What are we celebrating?” He smugly replied, “Champagne is not a celebratory wine, it is a wine for any day.” It stopped me for a moment. Then I […]

Have You Tried this Wine?

Greetings from the very snowy east coast. In Maryland, it is very unusual to have a snow blizzard but that’s what is predicted for the next few hours. It of course brings back memories of the delightful time we had in Temecula Valley a year ago where the days were sunny and warm enough to […]

Leap Year – the Movie and Wine

Yesterday we went to see Leap Year. I’m not a movie critic and it’s probably a good thing as any number of times I’ve read a review by a movie critic and just didn’t agree with them. Anyway, Leap Year is a feel-good kind of movie. If you’re into romantic situations, humor and Ireland then […]

Dessert Recipe Made with Champagne – Great idea for New Year’s

I haven’t discovered many recipes that use champagne as an ingredient. However, if you are planning a New Year’s party check out this recipe. The recipe, Ginger and Peach Tart calls for 2/3 cup of Champagne so you can enjoy the rest of the bottle with your friends. You can find the recipe at http://winetrailtraveler.com/recipes/dessert23.php […]

Ringing in the New Year with Champagne or Sparkling Wine?

How are you ringing in the New Year? Are you planning on celebrating with a delightful glass of Champagne or perhaps a sparkling wine and hopes for a brighter 2010? According to the EU, only wine from the Champagne may be labeled “Champagne.” Some wineries have been grandfathered in and thus able to use “Champagne.” Visitors […]

Hot Air Balloons and Champagne

Hot air balloons can be a lot of fun whether you watch from the safety of the ground, ride in the balloon or crew for a balloon. The colors, the sights and the sounds are a photo opportunity just waiting for that perfect moment. For those unfamiliar with hot air ballooning, the crew consists of […]

Champagne and Sparkling Wine

Yesterday our daughter mentioned a bottle of champagne she purchased to share with friends. Her comment was, “It was terrible. It was a brut and only $12 but it was bad.” Interesting comment as many people drink champagne during the holidays. How much should you spend for a bottle of champagne or sparkling wine? I […]

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